Rad Reading – November

On one space trip, Mark Watney was left behind after his crew mates evacuated in a dust storm. He finds himself stranded on mars with no signal to earth. While everyone on earth thinks he died, he has to wait for the next spaceship to come to mars. With his engineering experience and ridiculous humor, Mark Watney uses the supplies he has to complete his quest to stay alive. This is The Martian by Andy Weir. I am currently on page 189 and there are 369 pages, so I am around halfway in the book.

I recommend reading this book because all the characters have realistic and unique personalities, it was almost like the characters were real. I love how they made the main character Mark Watney’s personality. Even though Marks left on mars, he still makes jokes and is almost never serious. In conclusion, that is why I recommend the book.

My favorite character in the book is the main character, Mark Watney. Like I mentioned before, Mark has a funny and caring personality, he almost never takes anything seriously. NASA’s chief director and administrator during the time, Teddy Sanders was wondering what Mark was doing at the moment. This is what Mark was thinking at the moment, “How come Aquaman can control whales? Makes no sense!” This shows that Mark still jokes around and asks these ridiculous questions in whatever situation he would be in. Even if he was left on mars.

My favorite quote in the book is on page 55. Mindy Park, a worker at Satcom makes a discovery that Mark Watney may be alive on mars, using her experience on satellites. She found a picture of which she makes this statement to Venkat Kapoor, the director of NASA’s mars mission. The quote that explains this is, “‘Did I mention I never found Watney’s body?’ She said, sniffling. Venkat’s eyes widened as he stared at the picture. ‘Oh . . .,’ he said quietly. ‘Oh God . . . ‘ Mindy put her hands over her face and sobbed quietly.” This is my favorite quote because it shows one of the most important parts of the story. It starts the real conflict in the book of how to get Mark back on earth. In conclusion, this quote is piled with shock and emotion which is why it’s my favorite quote.

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